Backlash: Misogyny in the digital age [DVD]

A film by Guylaine Maroist and Lea Clermont-Dion
Original English Version – 78 minutes

Also available in french version.

Backlash, Misogyny in the digital age, a shocking story of four women leaders whose lives are overturned by cyberviolence. They share a common cause: refusing to be silenced.

For each copy sold, $5 will be donated to #StopCyberviolence. This contribution will keep the awareness campaign going strong. Thanks for being part of the change.

 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ – National Post
A disturbing yet vitally important film– Chris Knight, Toronto Sun
A compelling way to tell the story of gender-based abuseShree Paradkar, The Toronto Star
Real-life silencing horror stories“ – Marsha Lederman, The Globe & Mail
An unflinching dive into the reality of being a woman– Julie S. Lalonde, Broadview

Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $24.99.

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